The Tasmanian Government is committed to providing accommodation and supports for older Tasmanians to improve their access to affordable housing, security and health and wellbeing. As we mark Homelessness Week, we recognise that older Tasmanians can be particularly vulnerable.
The Affordable Housing Action Plan 2 commits to deliver over 200 units of supported accommodation for elderly Tasmanians in the south along with a range of support services for older public housing tenants and applicants. This has been complemented by a further $20 million for two new supported accommodation facilities for older people in the North and North West, committed over the next four years in the State Budget.
The Tasmanian Government has engaged Wintringham to provide specialised services for older Tasmanians in four streams: residential aged care; place-based tenancy management; assertive outreach for at-risk tenants; and assertive outreach for priority applicants on the Housing Register. Wintringham provide high level supported tenancy services to residents aged over 50 years.
They currently manage 170 properties in the south of Tasmania for the Tasmanian Government, which will increase to over 200 properties in 2022. This consists of an existing $11.7 million inner city 25-unit complex in Hobart and a new 50-unit $16 million Wirksworth Estate Integrated Aged Care facility currently being developed and will be fully operational in coming months. Wirksworth Estate will include 40 new residential care rooms, recreational areas, residential facilities, consulting rooms, staff facilities, and 10 independent living units.
Further, the Tasmanian Government has committed $20 million for new supported accommodation facilities for older Tasmanians in the North and North-West. Details of these new facilities and their operations are under development.
Through partnership with Centacare Evolve Housing and the Tasmanian Government, there are now eight transitional units in South Hobart for older women where they are able to stay while long term affordable accommodation is arranged.
Every Tasmanian deserves a roof over their head, and we have a comprehensive approach to addressing homelessness and housing stress across the state, underpinned by our ambitious build program to deliver an additional 10,000 new social and affordable homes by 2032.
If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, please contact Housing Connect, 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 800 588.