Event registrations have opened for this year's Seniors Week, to be held Monday 17 October to Sunday 23 October.
Each year COTA aims to present an over-arching theme for Seniors Week, and this year’s choice is “enrich" – a term we believe could be broadly applied to most activities undertaken in Seniors Week.
We hope and believe participation in Seniors Week events this year will again be enriching experiences in some form – put a smile on your dial, make you happy, content, fulfilled, especially after having enjoyed a new or renewed experience, or been perhaps challenged or invigorated by a physical or arts/music activity.
Or maybe you make new friends, have great conversations, share stories, food or experiences, learn new skills and useful information.
Event organisers are invited to register their 2022 event using the easy online form available HERE. Or if preferred, you can download the form HERE, print a hardcopy, then scan/email or post the completed form back to COTA: admin@cotatas.org.au | PO Box 4679 Hobart TASMANIA 7000
Enquiries to davidr@cotatas.org.au
Registrations close Friday 1 July.