Training for professionals

Recognising & responding to coercive control for non-domestic violence Specialists

This masterclass is designed for professionals outside Domestic and Family Violence services to get the knowledge and confidence to give an informed and supportive first response.

Last updated: 24 February 2025

Coercive control is a hidden yet pervasive form of abuse, and we may all find ourselves in a position to respond to someone experiencing, living with, or escaping its effects.

Gain a clear understanding of what coercive control is, it’s defining patterns of behaviour, and its profound impact on victim-survivors.

Explore practical strategies for safe and helpful responses, and evidence-based safety planning, and unpack the legal remedies available across Australian States and Territories.

Be guided toward a consistent, trauma-capable, and person-centered response to victim-survivors and persons using violence.

Join us to build the skills and knowledge needed to make a meaningful difference in addressing coercive control in your community.

The course is for representatives from first responder, frontline, high-risk, and exposure organisations.